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Chemical Engineering without Borders


With the increasing free flow of human resources around the globe, a successful and thriving organization, either public or private, is inevitably made up with the best talents irrespective of their countries of origin. This trend is expected to accelerate particularly in chemical engineering in view of the many global challenges – water shortage, energy demands, food supplies, environmental concerns, and climate change – that demand the concerted effort of chemical engineers and others from around the world. In this regard, I applaud the tireless effort by all members of the executive committee to establish and administer efficiently and effectively the AIChE-HKUST Student Chapter (American Institute of Chemical Engineers -The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). AIChE is the key professional society in chemical engineering, with immense reach and resources to connect chemical engineers, other professional bodies, and governments. This Student Chapter plays a crucial role to open up a vista for the chemical engineering students at HKUST to the chemical engineers and professional practices in the wider world through AIChE. This is especially important to Hong Kong. Because of the limited manufacturing activities locally, chemical engineers have to actively seek out collaborations outside of Hong Kong. With the shift of economic activities to the East and with its world-class infrastructure, Hong Kong is in an excellent position to build up a community of chemical engineers engaging in chemical product and process design for Hong Kong, Asia and beyond. Manufacturing can be done anywhere in the global supply chain.


Prof Ka Ming NG

Advisor of HKUST.AICHE

Dear Future Chemical Engineers;

I extend my warmest welcome to new AIChE members under the student chapter at HKUST! Just as all of you waiting for the day to become a chemical engineer, I, as the AIChE advisor have been waiting with great anticipation for your arrival. In the coming years, I will follow your progress, celebrating your achievements, know more about you. In addition, we appreciate the efforts by the members of the executive committee to establish and maintain the highly effective and successful student chapter.

It is a great opportunity for y1 and y2 students to participate in the activities organized by the student chapter. By volunteering in the student chapter, you will obtain a vast spectrum of skills and accumulate experiences relevant to be a chemical engineering. For y3 and y4 students, it is very necessary to join the AIChE student chapter in order to put classroom knowledge into practice and become a professional chemical engineering.

Chemical engineers attain strong skill sets in a wide range of technical field including computational sciences, chemistry, biochemistry, materials science and of course, engineering. In addition, you also have knowledge about economics, management, safety and the environment. Because of this, chemical engineers are employed across a wide range of businesses by both large and small companies. Our alumni has been employed in all kind of field including scientific research, finance, consultancy, construction, manufacturing, programming, managements etc.

Chemical engineers work to advance the quality of people's lives. In our daily life, most items used by you are designed and manufactured by chemical engineers. We help organizations to end starvation, disease and poverty by producing food, design pharmaceutical drugs and creating job opportunities. We work to save the environment by using chemical engineering tools to fight acid rain, water and air pollution and global warming.

You will find out that your time here will fly by and I am pretty sure that the amount of change and growth in yourselves will be surprising.

Welcome to the AIChE and welcome to become a chemical engineer!


Tom Zhengtang Luo, PhD

Advisor of HKUST.AIChE

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